Student Evaluation of Teaching: Fall 2009

  Course:  FS111*011  First Year Seminar
  Meeting: T  3:35pm-4:50pm       JEN 110

  Instructor:                     Blot, Claudette Denise
  Rank:                           Assistant Professor
  Tenure Status:                  Untenured
  Full/Part-Time:                 Part-time
  Gender:                         Female
  Years college teaching:         No response
  Years Bentley teaching:         No response
  Previous terms teaching course: No response
  Course revisions:               No response
  Special circumstances:          No response

  Enrollment:    25               Full-time:           22
  Respondents:   24               Part-time:            1
  Day:           24               Male:                16
    Freshman:    24               Female:               8
    Sophomore:    0               Subject interest
    Junior:       0                 Interested:         7
    Senior:       0                 Neutral:           14
  Evening:        0                 Not interested:     3
  Graduate:       0               Average age:         18
                                  Avg expected grade:   3.73

                           Percentages of Responses               Means
                         -----------------------------   -----------------------
COURSE            Total  SA(5)  A(4)  N(3)  D(2) SD(1)   Section  Course    2yrs
 Understanding       24     17    54    25     0     4      3.79    3.93    4.11
 Difficult           24      0     4     4    38    54      1.58    1.58    1.50
 Benefitted          24     25    42    21    13     0      3.79    3.95    4.06
 Recommend           24     25    33    25    13     4      3.63    3.76    3.89

INSTRUCTOR        Total   E(5) AA(4) AV(3) BA(2)  U(1)   Section  Course    2yrs
 Preparation         24     71    21     8     0     0      4.63    4.51    4.64
 Communication       24     71    17    13     0     0      4.58    4.55    4.65
 Grading             24     71    25     4     0     0      4.67    4.48    4.61
 Interesting         24     63    21    13     4     0      4.42    4.20    4.37
 Responsive          24     75     8     8     4     4      4.46    4.50    4.61
 Overall             24     79    17     4     0     0      4.75    4.63    4.71

Number of sections in course:  40

SA=Strongly Agree, A=Agree, N=Neutral, D=Disagree, SD=Strongly Disagree
E=Excellent, AA=Above Average, AV=Average, BA=Below Average, U=Unsatisfactory